day in and day out
1. 一天又一天,一直
2. 每天连续不断
3. 每天,始终
4. 一天又一天
5. 连续几天
6. 夜以继日
7. 不分昼夜
2. 每天连续不断
3. 每天,始终
4. 一天又一天
5. 连续几天
6. 夜以继日
7. 不分昼夜
- Day in and day out we experience that first hand .
- 我们日复一日的亲身体验。
- Who wants to eat the same food day in and day out ?
- 谁愿意每天吃同样的食物呢?
- If you are sitting around just procrastinating day in and day out just stop over-thinking .
- 如果你还是坐在那里只为了日复一日的拖延时间,那么你就什么都不要想。
- We had noodles for dinners day in and day out till I 'm cheesed off with them .
- 我们正餐天天吃面条,吃得我都发腻了。
- They are passionate about what an excellent day feels like and they chase that feeling day in and day out not the outcome of the feeling .
- 他们热衷于了解极佳的感觉并追随那感觉日日夜夜而不是感觉的结果。
- If you 're doing the same thing day in and day out where would the challenge be ?
- 如果你每天重复同样的事情,怎么会有挑战呢?
- If you 're writing day in and day out without a plan you need to keep reading this article . Why your writing keeps you poor
- 如果你日复一日没个计划的码字,你需要好好读一读本文:为什么你写了那么多还是这么穷
- Day in and day out the global flow of goods routinely adapts to all kinds of glitches and setbacks .
- 日复一日,全球的商品流像例行公事一样适应了各种小故障和阻碍。
- Civil libertarians counter that there is a difference between a police officer visually monitoring someone 's movements and installing a device that can minutely track their comings and goings day in and day out
- 公民自由者反对这一论调,觉得在警察只是肉眼去监控别人的活动和安装一个仪器在人车上,每天每夜的追踪别人进出,一查好几个月,这两种情况还是有区别的。
- As for toby he says that maintaining the giant lie he 'd created was exhausting day in and day out .
- 至于托比,他说维持他编造的弥天大谎让他一天天感到疲惫不堪。