dig out
基本解释挖掘; 挖走;找出来;匆匆地离开
1. 挖开
2. 发掘出,发现
3. 掘出,发现
4. 发掘出
5. 挖掉
6. 挖切
7. 发现
2. 发掘出,发现
3. 掘出,发现
4. 发掘出
5. 挖掉
6. 挖切
7. 发现
- Dig out food from the ground .
- 从地下挖出来的食物.
- However literary works is impicit ( connotative ) with hidden meaning between lines which require readers to dig out the meaning on their own .
- 然而,文学作品是含蓄的,字里行间往往有弦外之音,需要读者自己去挖掘探讨隐藏的深义。
- Dig out an old coloring book and color in a picture .
- 挖出一本泛黄老旧的图画书,给书中的画涂上颜色。
- Many small grounders whose capital is small often rely on gripping accurately trivial information to dig out ' the first barrels ' .
- 很多资金不多的小创业者,都是依靠准确抓住某个不起眼的信息而挖到“第一桶金”的。
- Let me dig out our construction pgress list .
- 让我把我们的建筑都给你列张表出来。
- He is burred by an avalanche and have to be dig out .
- 他遇雪崩被埋住了,得把他挖出来。
- But as long as china 's buying whatever australia can dig out of the ground the lawyers consultants and bankers will have a place at the table .
- 但只要中国会一直购买澳大利亚可从地下挖出来的任何东西,律师事务所、咨询公司和银行就能在圆桌会议上占有一席之地。
- Through the years I 've spent a fair amount of money using a variety of paid services to dig out information I 've needed for articles .
- 这些年来,为了搜集文章素材我花了不少钱在一些挖掘信息的收费服务上。
- And we 'll dig out in the morning .
- 我们明天一早,挖出去.
- Based on the interaction of music abstract painting this research is intended to further study this trans-consciousness area and dig out the possibility of stimulate originality by music .
- 有鉴於音乐与抽象绘画的互动影响,为进一步探索此跨知觉的研究领域,并发掘以音乐激荡设计创意的可能。