draw to
- I am draw to that girl ; I get good vibration from her .
- 我被那女孩吸引住了,她使我产生良好的感觉。
- In practice strong real growth and high inflation are a draw to foreign capital adding more fuel to the fire .
- 但实际上,强劲的实际增长和高通胀却通过吸引外资,给过热经济火上浇油。
- As the seemingly endless period of political campaigning in the united states will soon draw to a close we on the left must access the damage ; but more importantly we must understand the means by which the damage was dealt ;
- 正如似乎无休止的政治运动在美国很快将提请结束时,我们就必须进入左边的损失,但更重要的是,我们必须理解的手段损害处理;的“代表的民主制度”
- For example if you have amazing drawing skills you can draw pictures and sell them to people or even or make comics ( stick men could work out too if you don 't draw to well ) to sell .
- 例如,如果你有惊人的画画能力,那么你可以画画,然后把它们卖给别人。你也可以画漫画(画木棍使得人也会起作用如果你的画没有好到能卖的程度)。
- Iraq peace talks draw to a close in finland .
- 伊拉克和谈将在芬兰结束。
- It is a beautiful place and thus a huge draw to australian tourists who enjoy hiking up it ( for whatever reason ) .
- 这是一个美丽的地方,吸引了大批的澳大利亚游客来爬山。
- If I fall on my knees if I go through the ritual the ancient antics it 's you unknown figures you I adore ; if I open my arms it 's you I embrace you I draw to me-adorable world !
- 若我跪下,若我参加礼仪,做出那些古老的奇怪动作,是为了你们,陌生的人物,我要崇拜的是你们;若我张开手臂,我要拥抱的是你们,我要吸引过来的是你们可敬的世界!
- Altruism is another big draw to the company garden .
- 利他主义是公司菜园的另一大收获。
- What is the draw to creating an electronic book ?
- 创建电子书的吸引力是什么?
- With luck the destructive two-week battle between israel and hamas may soon draw to an end .
- 值得庆幸的是,以色列和哈马斯之间持续两周的破坏性战斗可能很快就要结束了。