every so often
1. 偶然,有时
2. 时而,不时
3. 偶尔,有时
4. 不时
5. 时常
6. 常常
2. 时而,不时
3. 偶尔,有时
4. 不时
5. 时常
6. 常常
- Every so often the occupant of 7 racecourse road in new delhi declares it to be an indian century .
- 新德里跑马场路(racecourseroad)7号的历任主人不时宣称,这将是“印度的世纪”。
- But every so often our mitochondria and their surrounding cells fight .
- 但是有时,我们的线粒体和周围的细胞相互抵制。
- It prompts her every so often to re-enter the present because for several years she 's been living in the tudor past and in the mind of thomas cromwell .
- 这一桌面让她能时不时的重新回到现在,因为在过去几年里她一直居住在历史上的都铎王朝世界里,以及托马斯克伦威尔(thomascromwell)的头脑中。
- So every so often a sample is obtained with a coring bit .
- 因此时常要用芯钻头取样。
- Every so often principal arjariita heikkinen told me the helsinki district tries to close the school because the surrounding area has fewer and fewer children only to have people in the community rise up to save it .
- 偶尔,校长黑肯恩告诉我,因为周边地区孩子越来越少,赫尔辛基地区试图关闭学校,只有社区人口有所增长才能挽救这一局面。
- But every so often are reminders of a darker side of the new reality : branches laid down on the road to indicate a funeral .
- 但是新现实黑暗的一面总是不时映入眼帘:放在地上的枝条,显示这里曾举行过一场葬礼。
- My friend writes me every so often .
- 我的朋友经常给我写信。
- It would be necessary to update the chip every so often to allow for new releases of course .
- 当然,这种芯片是需要常常升级更新以加入新发布的音乐的。
- Every so often all was fantasizing oneself is a wandering soul .
- 很多时候都在幻想自己不过是一个流离的灵魂。
- Every so often I treat myself to a meal in an expensive restaurant .
- 我偶尔去家很贵的餐馆独享一顿。