for a time
1. 一段时间
2. 暂时,一度
3. 暂时
4. 一段时期
2. 暂时,一度
3. 暂时
4. 一段时期
- In both cases equities rallied as well for a time .
- 这两个时期中,股票市场也一度得到了整合。
- I worked at a high-school library for a time .
- 我在一个中学图书馆工作了一段时间。
- For a time the cogeneration of electricity and water dominated the desalination industry .
- 曾有一度,淡水和电力的联合生产统治了淡化工业。
- In the worst cases the slowdown in economic activity and employment may for a time cause budget deficits to widen .
- 最糟糕的情况是,经济活动的放缓和就业情况的恶化或许会令预算赤字一度扩大。
- For a time an aunt takes them in but she 's cruel about the need to feed them and eventually seita finds a hillside cave where they can live .
- 一段时间他们暂时寄养在一位姨娘那里,但狠心的她却不想抚养他们,最终青太在山脚找到了一个山洞,并在那住了下来。
- Private insurance would still exist at least for a time .
- 私人保险公司将依旧存在,至少会再存在一段时间。
- The treasury 's promise to back the agencies supported their share prices for a time but then confidence ebbed again .
- 美国财政部支持这两家机构的承诺一度支撑了其股价,但随后市场信心再度消退。
- In beijing a driving-restriction policy that removed a fifth of all private cars from the road each weekday helped create blue skies for a time but now there are simply more cars .
- 在北京,一项每周减少百分之五十私家车上路的限驾政策帮助人们暂时创造一片蓝天,然而现在显然有更多的汽车上路。
- The same day the fed said inflation could persist for a time at uncomfortably low levels .
- 同一天,美联储称通货膨胀率可能会在不恰当的低水平持续一段时间。
- These scare stories played for a time and were then forgotten : but cost large amounts of money and caused anxiety and loss to many individuals .
- 这些引起恐慌的事件在轰动一段时间后便被人们遗忘,但它们消耗了大量的金钱,还导致许多人忧心忡忡并遭受损失。