for good measure
1. 另外
2. 作为额外增补
3. 加重分量
4. 作为额外增添
2. 作为额外增补
3. 加重分量
4. 作为额外增添
- For good measure gasbuddy misidentified the bp station as getty .
- 另外,gasbuddy把bp错当成了getty。
- For good measure we 've divided them up so you can see what he means when the singer calls gangnam ' noble ' during the day and ' crazy ' after dark .
- 另外,我们还将它们分了类,这样你就可以了解,当这位歌手说“江南”白天“高贵”、夜晚“疯狂”时,他想表达的是什么。
- For good measure he gave obama a hug .
- 从好的方面,他给了奥巴马一个拥抱。
- There 's even a voice recorder and ebook reader thrown in for good measure .
- 甚至还有一个声音记录器和电子书阅读器抛出的良好措施。
- Use twice a day until the symptoms clear up and repeat for one more extra day for good measure .
- 利用每天两次,直至症状清理和重复多一个额外的日子,好措施。
- At the same time policy makers have continued to draft laws to make banking structures more secure adding fresh regulations on capital and liquidity for good measure .
- 另一方面,政策制定者一直在草拟法律增强银行业结构的安全性,在既有措施外又增加了新的资本金及流动性监管规定。
- For good measure it swiftly announced a governing coalition with a bunch of smaller parties ; the coalition now accounts for nearly 300 seats .
- 此外,该党还立即宣布将与其他一系列较小党派联合执政;这个执政联盟现在占据了近300个国会席位。
- Lamar went back out and rocked the celtics ' world and for good measure rocked the cavaliers ' world too .
- 喇嘛回到场上,震撼了整个凯尔特人的世界,而且棒的是,还震撼了骑士的世界。
- For good measure the japanese chief cabinet secretary is asking china to pay for repairs to the damaged coast guard vessels .
- 除此之外,日本内阁官房长官还让中国赔偿海岸警卫船的修理费。
- But it was soon expanded to include other new neighbours ( belarus and moldova ) older mediterranean neighbours and for good measure the caucasus ( armenia azerbaijan and georgia ) .
- 然而,欧盟很快扩张,包括了其他一些新的邻国(白俄罗斯和摩尔多瓦),古老的地中海国家,另外,还有高加索(亚美尼亚,阿塞拜疆以及格鲁吉亚)。