for the benefit of
1. 为了...的利益
2. 为利于
2. 为利于
- Companies were run primarily for the benefit of management and employees .
- 公司的运作主要是为了管理层和员工的利益。
- It should do so for the benefit of china and the world .
- 为了中国和全世界的利益,中国也应当这么做。
- New york is run more for the benefit of the buyers especially american department stores .
- 纽约时装周考虑更多的是买家利益,尤其是美国的各大百货公司。
- Even if it is technically a democracy most nations are run by and for the benefit of the elites that control the institutions of power .
- 尽管从形式上来说是民主那么回事儿,但是大多数国家是在掌控权力机构的精英们的利益驱使下在缓慢运转着。
- The stricken afghan bank had for years been run as a giant ponzi scheme for the benefit of powerful shareholders .
- 受挫的阿富汗银行多年来一直作为一个庞大的庞兹骗局为强有力股东提供利益来运营。
- If you decide you want to work for the benefit of others don 't just think about it once and then forget it .
- 如果你决定要为他人的利益而工作,不要仅仅想过一次然后就把这个想法忘掉了。
- In other words sprinters sacrifice the mechanical advantage of a long lever for the benefit of a stronger push-off .
- 换句话说,短跑选手牺牲了长杠杆所带来的力学优势从而获得了更为迅猛的起跑速度。
- My words about jointly dealing with the future issues of one china were spoken purely for the benefit of beijing .
- 我所说的“共同处理未来一个中国的问题”,纯粹是为了北京而讲的。
- It is common expectations and objective to continuously push forward china-eu comprehensive strategic partnership for the benefit of the chinese and european people .
- 持续推进中欧全面战略伙伴关系,不断造福中欧和世界人民,是我们的共同期待和努力目标。
- Beijing has hit upon a clever strategy as it will be a lot harder for vested interests to block reforms that are sold as being for the benefit of the masses .
- 北京提出的这个战略很明智,因为这些改革被宣传为在为广大群众谋福利,而既得利益者要想阻挠这样的改革将更加困难。