gear up
1. 准备好
2. 开快车
3. 增速,增加
4. 促进
5. 增速
6. 增加
2. 开快车
3. 增速,增加
4. 促进
5. 增速
6. 增加
- Before an execution I needed some time on my own to gear up for it .
- 在行刑前,我需要一个人待一会儿,以做好准备。
- We 'd better gear up the car if we are to arrive at the airport before six .
- 如果要在六钟以前到达机场,我们得加快车速。
- We must gear up industry to meet defense needs .
- 我们必须促进工业生产,以适应防卫的需要。
- The campaign will soon gear up here .
- 竞选活动即将开始。
- They had better gear up if as they promise they vote en masse for john mccain .
- 他们有较好的齿轮如果,因为他们的承诺,投票,他们的大举为麦凯恩。
- When you are going fast enough you 'll be able to gear up .
- 你把车速加快到一定程度就可以换快档。
- Around the time of shakespeare france was just beginning to gear up to put together it 's language police force the acad .
- 约莫在莎士比亚时期,法国就开始着手组建她的语言监察部队,法兰西学术院。
- And president obama must gear up for a re-election fight next year with economic recovery as his main focus .
- 奥巴马总统则在为明年竞选连任做好准备,经济复苏是他目前的主要目标。
- When even their cheerleaders feel they won 't win how can athletes gear up for the next try ?
- 连拉拉队员都不觉得他们会赢,运动员们自己又怎么会为他们的下一次尝试做好准备。
- The potential impact on these companies depends on when wafer makers return to full production and how quickly alternative wafer factories can gear up .
- 这些公司受到的潜在影响取决于硅片生产商何时能全面恢复生产以及生产硅片的替代工厂能以多快速度做好生产准备。