give birth to
1. 造成
2. 诞
3. 生产
2. 诞
3. 生产
- Evolutionary biology predicts that when times are tough it 's advantageous to give birth to daughters .
- 进化生物学有这样的预测:当年景不佳时,生女孩有优势。
- In hong kong for example a cohort of 1000 women is now expected to give birth to just 547 daughters .
- 例如在香港,1000位女性中,预计只能生育出547个女婴儿。
- Maybe I 'll give birth to a pill .
- 也许我会生出一片药来。
- A certain continuity in despair can give birth to joy .
- 绝望的一种特定的延续可以诞生欢乐。
- The finding by oxford university and us researchers means the economic downturn could see more women give birth to daughters .
- 牛津大学和美国研究人员的这一发现意味着,在经济衰退时期,会有更多的女性产下女婴。
- That makes them more like elephant mothers who give birth to very few babies and have to gestate them for almost two years .
- 这意味着球队更像是母象,只能生育几个后代,每次生产还得忍受将近两年的妊娠期。
- Women on low-calorie diets or who skip breakfast at the time of conception are more likely to give birth to girls uk scientists say .
- 英国科学家说,如果女性食用低热量饮食或者在怀孕期间不吃早餐,那么她们生女孩的机率要大得多。
- They restrained ms feng who was seven months pregnant and then induced her to give birth to the dead baby .
- 他们捆绑了冯女士,当时她已怀孕七个多月,而后诱使她将这个死婴生下来。
- Finally mayer also announced that come october she 's due to give birth to a son .
- 最后,梅耶尔还宣布,她将在十月生下一个儿子。
- A 29-year-old jobless british man has been told recently that his 14-year-old daughter will give birth to a baby this august when he will be the youngest granny in the u.k.
- 英国一名29岁的无业男子近日获悉,其年仅14岁的女儿将于今年8月产子,届时他将成为全英最年轻外公。