go around
1. 足够分配,流传
2. 足够供应,谣言流传
3. 流行,流传
4. 四处走动
5. 分配
6. 绕
7. 走来走去
8. 足够
2. 足够供应,谣言流传
3. 流行,流传
4. 四处走动
5. 分配
6. 绕
7. 走来走去
8. 足够
- Let 's go around the table shall we ?
- 让我们绕桌子走走,好吗?
- I said go around ! You said between them !
- 我说了绕着走!你说的是站过去!
- For many conservative americans one of the besetting sins of their liberal rivals is a tendency to go around apologising for their country .
- 对许多美国保守派人士来说,他们的自由主义对手积重难返的恶习之一,就是喜欢到处替自己的国家道歉。
- You always go around in bunches .
- 你去哪都是成群结队的。
- Srebrenica shook the dutch belief that they could go around the world doing good while more primitive peoples such as americans and britons used hammers .
- 斯雷布雷尼察事件动摇了荷兰人的信念,即:当美国、英国等更野蛮的民族四处挥舞大棒的时候,荷兰人可以在世界四处行善。
- Go around such safeguards with extreme caution .
- 绕过这些安全措施要极为谨慎。
- Just put a coin into it the coin gonna go around the piggy bank .
- 把一枚硬币放进去,硬币会在储钱罐里旋转。
- Go around the city on a hot summer day to get an idea of how this works .
- 你只要在一个炎夏的日子到城里走一走,就会知道这是怎么一回事。
- Other rude highway drivers move to the second or passing lane and then stay there making it impossible for cars behind to go around them .
- 另一些的粗鲁的司机驶入第二车道或超车道并停在那里,使得后面的车辆无法绕道而过。
- If you lined up all the sandwiches westerners eat in a year they would go around the world 13 times !
- 如果把一年中所有吃三明治的西方人排起队来,能围绕地球达13圈之多!