hold forth
基本解释长篇大论地讲; 侃侃而谈;<正>给予; 提供
1. 给予,提供
2. 滔滔地说
2. 滔滔地说
- Hold forth to talk at great length .
- 滔滔不绝地说远离债权人。
- I have no wish to sit on michael 's table if he 's just going to hold forth all throughout lunch .
- 如果迈克午饭时真要不停地高谈阔论,我就不想坐在他那桌子上了。
- If you ask about child tax credits the future of the penguins in the south antarctic asked to hold forth on whether or not the developments in chongqing contribute to sustainable development in carbon capture and we w
- 如果你问有关儿童税务补贴,南极洲企鹅的未来,需要长篇大论地讲重庆的发展是否对碳捕获技术的可持续发展做出贡献,我们会给你们一个答案。
- Those in authority are never tired of hold forth the possibility of the abuse of freedom as a reason for withholding it but without that possibility freedom would not be really free .
- 那些当权者从没有厌倦滔滔不绝讲述滥用自由的可能而把那放弃,但是没有这种可能,自由也不会真正自由。
- But many other senior tories lack the confidence ( or in some depressing cases the interest ) required to hold forth on social mobility . Mr milburn whom they have been cultivating for years is filling a very real void .
- 但许多其他的资深托利党人缺乏佩谈社会流动性话题的信心(或者说一些沮丧的情况下,缺乏兴趣)工党多年培养的milburn先生适好填补了这个空缺。
- Kopetsky is trying to hold him off now . Weaving back and forth to the inside .
- 康佩斯正试图摆脱他,两辆车交织着要抢内道。
- Yet somewhere under this cover these conflicts and demands continue grow and multiply only to burst forth when the moment arrives when the cover can no longer hold them down .
- 但是,在这层掩盖之下的某些地方,这些冲突和要求在继续生长和增多,反而造成这种掩盖不再发生作用时刻的到来。
- And it shall be answered because they forsook the lord god of their fathers which brought them forth out of the land of egypt and laid hold on other gods and worshipped them and served them : therefore hath he brought all
- 人必回答说,是因此地的人离弃耶和华他们列祖的神,就是领他们出埃及地的神,去亲近别神,敬拜事奉他,所以耶和华使这一切灾祸临到他们。