hunt down
- China 's leaders promise to hunt down and punish hoarders and speculators .
- 中国领导人承诺追查和惩罚囤积货物者及投机者。
- A predator drone like the ones used to hunt down terrorist leaders in pakistan ( file photo ) .
- 无人机,类似在巴基斯坦抓获恐怖分子头目的一架“捕食者”(档案照片)。
- Hunt down whoever is killing parents of future resistance members .
- 不管是谁追捕杀害未来抵抗运动成员的父母。
- The group claims that local tribes are involved in homophobic attacks choosing members to hunt down the victims .
- 该组织声称,当地宗族也参与了对同性恋的攻击,会选择成员去追踪受害者。
- Hong kong police are prepped and ready to hunt down illegal bookies and websites during the world cup .
- 在世界杯期间,香港警察被准备好并且准备搜寻非法赌赛马为业者和网站。
- He has sent 150 police to hunt down arsonists aided by federal police two helicopters and infra-red cameras .
- 他已经派出了150名警察追捕纵火犯,并由联邦警察、两架直升机以及红外线摄像头协助。
- Contradictory demands telling pakistan both to hunt down afghan insurgent leaders on its soil and to bring them to the negotiating table will not get far .
- 既让巴基斯坦在自己的领土上追捕阿富汗叛乱领导人,又让他们找叛乱者来谈判,这样互相矛盾的要求,并不会得到太多的响应。
- Around the same time after entering the tribal areas to hunt down al-qaeda the pakistanis found themselves fighting a billowing pushtun insurgency of their own .
- 大概在同一时间,在进入部落区追捕基地组织之后,巴基斯坦军队才发现,他们正在对抗一波普什图人叛乱也就是和自己国家的人打。
- They 'll actually hunt down old books for you .
- 他们实际上会帮你找旧书。
- Their daughter joined the u.s. army reserves after the 2001 terrorist attacks and vowed to hunt down bin laden .
- 他们的女儿在2001恐怖袭击之后加入美军预备役,誓言要抓住本拉登。