in large quantities
- New things and ideas are emerging in large quantities nowadays .
- 现在,新生事物和新的观点大量涌现。
- Thorium which is found in large quantities across much of the world could be used to create nuclear energy in various ways .
- 钍元素一种在全球范围内大量存在的元素能够被用来通过多种方法提取核能。
- This team is the source from which steam not only the entire original design ideas but also subsequently copies of the originals produced in large quantities .
- 这个小组不但是所有原始设计意图的源泉,而且也是其后大批量生产原始产品的复制品的源泉。
- One of the downsides of the drug is finding enough supplies of blood to manufacture it in large quantities .
- 而这种药物的一个限制是,需要寻找足够多的血液供应来进行大规模生产。
- International trade brought wealth to merchants and city bankers . They and those who had done well out of new farming methods provided capital in large quantities for industralization .
- 国际贸易给商人和城市银行家带来财富,他们加上由于新农作法而发家的人们为工业化提供了大笔资金。
- His paper was out in large quantities .
- 他的票据大量地流在外面。
- On a strictly practical front monoclonals are expensive and difficult to produce in large quantities .
- 在严格的实用性面前,单克隆抗体是昂贵的,而且难以大量生产。
- It entails isolating carbon dioxide wherever it is produced in large quantities such as the smokestacks of coal-fired power plants compressing it and pumping it underground .
- 这一技术要求在产生大量二氧化碳排放的地方,如一家燃煤电厂的烟囱,将二氧化碳隔离、压缩,然后抽到地下。
- Yet trade statistics released last week indicate that american consumers are sucking in large quantities of imports as spending recovers while weak demand in the rest of the world is crimping american exports .
- 然而,上周的贸易统计显示,支出复原中的美国消费者正在被大量的进口吞噬,而美国之外其他地区疲软的需求挡住了美国的出口。
- Do you usually buy in large quantities ?
- 你们的订购量通常都很大吗?