in memory of
1. 为纪念...
3. 为了纪念
3. 为了纪念
- This monument was erected in memory of f. d. roosevelt .
- 这座碑是为纪念f.d.罗斯福而建立的
- A homeless person writing in memory of the gloomy past .
- 为阴暗记忆写作的无家可归者。
- People gather outside oslo city hall to participate in a rose march in memory of the victims of friday 's bomb attack and shooting massacre monday july 25 2011 .
- 人们聚集在奥斯陆市政厅以外,参加了“玫瑰游行”在周五的炸弹袭击和拍摄大屠杀星期一2011年7月25日,受害者的记忆。
- A sea of flowers and lit candles placed in memory of those killed in friday 's bomb and shooting attack is seen in front of oslo cathedral july 26 2011 .
- 在奥斯陆大教堂,2011年7月26日,前海的放置在内存在周五的炸弹和枪击事件遇难者的鲜花和点燃的蜡烛。
- She challenged gorbachev the last leader of the soviet union and made him stand up for a moment 's silence in memory of armenians killed in nagorno-karabakh under his watch .
- 她挑战苏联最后一位领导人戈尔巴乔夫,迫使他起身为在他的注视下的纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区遭杀害的亚美尼亚人默哀。
- The cross on observation hill was erected in 1912 in memory of robert falcon scott and the members of his expedition who died returning from the pole .
- 位于观察丘(observationhill)十字架是为了纪念罗伯特法尔肯斯科特和远征队的其他几位成员于1912年竖立的,他们死于从极点返回的途中。
- Landsat in memory of the world register
- 地球资源探测卫星进入世界记忆名录
- Here we invite all those who knew him well to put their contributes in memory of the late datuk sri rev .
- 在这里,我们邀请所有深深认识拿督斯里姚炳华牧师对他的记忆作出贡献。
- The gift to the israel museum is being made in memory of michael bromberg .
- 给以色列博物馆的这份礼物是为了纪念迈克尔布朗伯格。
- In algiers there is still no road nor public building named in memory of camus .
- 在阿尔及尔,仍然没有为纪念加缪而命名道路或者公共建筑。