in number
1. 在数字上,总共
2. 数目上
3. 在数字上
2. 数目上
3. 在数字上
- Though fewer in number today 's soes are more powerful than ever .
- 尽管如今的国企数量比以往少,但却前所未有地强大。
- Few in number european entrepreneurs are also gloomy about their prospects .
- 数量少(不说),欧洲企业家们对他们的发展前景还很沮丧。
- Such attacks have grown in number and seriousness over the past two years .
- 在过去的两年中这类攻击事件的数量不断增加并且严重程度也加剧。
- The alleged defections though small in number thus far have buoyed protesters .
- 虽然到目前为止,这些所谓的起义人数并不多,但已经使抗议者备受鼓舞。
- And even when china has more highly trained wto lawyers they still need the experience of winning and losing wto cases which are small in number each year .
- 即便中国那时中国有了接收更高强度训练的wto律师,他们仍需要在wto案件中接收成功与失败的历练,但每年这种机会并不多。
- Could the newborn neurons be few in number but particularly powerful because they have a separate function from their adult counterparts ?
- 这些新生神经元数量少而起着重要作用的原因,是因为与成年神经元相比它们具有一种单独的功能吗?
- Because the more sophisticated shoppers are increasing in number their opinions and shopping habits are increasingly important .
- 由于较成熟的消费者数量越来越多,他们的观点和购物习惯也越来越重要。
- Its elderly may be growing in number but to the envy of other developed countries america also has a burgeoning young population .
- 美国的老年人口或许数量上有所增加,但是让其他发达国家羡慕的是,美国同时有一批迅速成长壮大的年轻人。
- But defectors are growing in number and are getting better organised .
- 但是叛节者的数目正在不断增加,其组织日益优良。
- They were in number as the weeks of the year .
- 他们的数目跟一年里的礼拜数相同。