in point of fact
基本解释adv. 实际上
1. 实际上,就事实而论
2. 事实上,实际上
2. 事实上,实际上
- In point of fact neither mr giuliani nor mr perry favours gay marriage .
- 实际上,不管是giuliani还是perry都不支持同性恋婚姻。
- In point of fact my mind started to wake up a bit during this period .
- 事实上,在这期间我的脑子开始有点清醒。
- In point of fact she is their adopted daught .
- 实际上,她是他们的养女。
- In point of fact churchill was-for as long as he dared-a consistent friend of conceited spoiled hitler-sympathizing edward viii .
- 在这一点,事实上,丘吉尔,如其所愿,是极其自负、娇生惯养、同情希特勒的爱德华八世的一个忠实的朋友。
- I said I enjoyed the meal she had prepared when in point of fact I hate shellfish and that 's what she cooked .
- 我说我很喜欢她做的菜,但实际上我讨厌甲壳类动物,而那正是她做的菜。
- He said he would pay but in point of fact he has no money .
- “他说他要给钱,可事实上他没有钱。”
- And to show that in point of fact there is a knowledge which advances neither by unmixed immediacy nor by unmixed mediation we can point to the example of logic and the whole of philosophy .
- 但是要指出事实上有一种知识的进展,既不起于直接性,也不起于间接性,这就须以逻辑学自身和全部哲学作为样本。
- He alleged that the money had been left him by a distant relative when in point of fact he won it in a lottery .
- 他宣称这笔钱是个远房亲戚留给他的,其实是他玩彩票赢的。
- In point of fact three minutes had not elapsed when the men made their appearance .
- 果然,还不到三分钟,那几个人又出现了。
- It might be very well if dramatists were philosophers but in point of fact they are as little likely to be so as are kings .
- 要是剧作家同时又是思想家的话,那该有多好,可是,事实上剧作家不可能同时又是思想家,正如国王毫不可能同时又是思想家一样。