in proportion to
1. 按...的比例
2. 与......成比例
4. 成比例于
2. 与......成比例
4. 成比例于
- Will you contribute in proportion to your incomes or equally ?
- 家庭支出按收入比例,还是平摊?
- It pays publishers in proportion to time spent by users on their sites .
- 这家公司根据用户在他们网站上花费的时间按比例支付出版商费用。
- What lib dems really want is a system that would give them seats in proportion to their votes .
- 自民党真正想要的是一个给予他们和得票成正比的席位的体系。
- The thing is wiltshire 's drawing will actually look like the city with every single building in its exact place and perfectly sized in proportion to real life .
- 但问题是,维尔特画的画跟所画的城市一模一样,每幢楼所在的位置和比例都与现实世界完美相符。
- To clean up the chernobyl site after the accident the soviet union conscripted workers in proportion to the size of each of its republics and developed a system to limit their exposure .
- 为了清理切尔诺贝利核电站事故发生后的现场,苏联按照各加盟共和国的人口规模比例征召工作人员,并制定了限制他们辐射剂量的一项制度。
- To avoid charges of favouritism central banks should buy index funds or individual securities in proportion to market capitalisation on transparent and organised security exchanges .
- 为避免徇私的指责,央行应该在透明、组织规范的证券交易所购买指数基金或者按市值比例购买单个证券。
- Their labor will necessarily be expensive in proportion to the time lost in learning the trade and the cost and risk incurred in becoming proficient .
- 要与学徒所花的时间、所付出的代价及期间可能出现的风险成比例,他们的劳动力价值必然要高。
- The net profit of joint venture shall be distributed between the parties to the venture in proportion to their respective share in the registered capital after payment of income tax and other expenditures .
- 在支付所得税和其他费用之后伞资企业的净利按合资各方注册的资本比例分配给各方.
- He is cleverer than you in proportion to his years .
- 他比你聪明,这与你俩年龄成比例。
- His success is in proportion to his effort .
- 他的成功和努力成正比。