in reserve
1. 留下的,备用的
2. 备用的,留下的
3. 召集预备役
4. 保留的
5. 预备的
6. 留下来的
2. 备用的,留下的
3. 召集预备役
4. 保留的
5. 预备的
6. 留下来的
- He said he figures the mission has enough money in reserve to last until the end of the year .
- 他说,自己发现利比亚驻联合国使团有足够的储备资金,可以一直维持到今年年底。
- But in rare circumstances a big firm with cash in reserve may cut prices below costs in order to starve smaller rivals of revenue .
- 但在极少数情况下,某个有资金储备的大企业可能会将价格降至成本以下,使相对弱小的竞争对手收入枯竭。
- Future superstars don 't get there by keeping part of their heart in reserve .
- 未来超级巨星不会把他们心的一部分保留下来。
- That 's why I say use what you already have in reserve so that you know you can do better .
- 这就是我为什么说用那些你留着备用的东西,这样你会做得更好。
- China 's central bank said on 2 may that it will raise the amount banks must hold in reserve for the third time this year in the latest move by beijing to cool its booming economy .
- 中国央行5月2日宣布上调银行存款准备金率,这是中国央行今年第三次出台此类措施,也是北京方面冷却快速增长的中国经济的最新举措。
- The cut in reserve requirements will liberate existing deposits but it will not attract new ones .
- 存款准备金率下调将释放现有存款,但对于吸收新的存款毫无帮助。
- They 're still held in reserve !
- 那就是还处于预备状态!
- Two infantry divisions were held in reserve .
- 两个步兵师留作后备军。
- Because they make long-term promises to pay if something bad happens effective regulation ensures they deliver by requiring them to hold enough money in reserve .
- 因为它们做出的是在不幸事件发生时进行赔付的长期承诺,通过要求保险公司持有足够的储备金,有效监管确保了它们能够兑现承诺。