in style
- They are also consensual in style which is important when managing clever self-regarding people .
- 他们风格各异,这一点在管理利己主义的聪明员工时很重要。
- The pair were rivals in politics and also opposites in style .
- 这两人在政治上是对手,在风格上也是相反的。
- The laptop sling featuring iconic alexander girard patterns lets you transport your laptop in style and never skimps on protection .
- 吊索的笔记本电脑具有标志性的亚历山大吉拉德模式,让您的运输方式您的笔记本电脑,以及保护从未退缩。
- How about driving me home in style ? Great .
- 时髦地开车送我回家怎么样?没问题。
- It 's very nice and latest in style .
- 这只十分美观,而且款式新潮。
- The speech positioned mr obama as a moderate in style and substance .
- 此番演讲确立了奥巴马无论在风格上还是本质上都颇为稳健的形象。
- Harden always resembled manu ginobili in style ; this season the two have had extremely similar production .
- 哈登的风格跟吉诺比利的一直都很像,这个赛季他们两个的表现更是非常相似。
- Subtle signs might include a change in style of clothing makeup or the amount of jewelry a person wears .
- 更微妙一些的变化可能会包括衣着和化妆风格的改变,或佩带首饰的增减。
- Allen later changed into a chanel haute couture gown designed by her friend karl lagerfeld to party in style at the reception held at her country home in gloucestershire .
- allen最后选择了由她的朋友karllagerfeld设计的香奈儿高级定制时装礼服,别具风格的是她婚礼在她格洛斯特郡的乡村老家举行。
- Dr r sler who is just 38 belongs to a younger generation of leaders nurture d by mr westerwelle but distinct in style and emphasis .
- 年仅38岁的罗斯勒是韦斯特韦勒所栽培的年轻一代领导人之一,但其执政风格和重心都更为明确。