in succession
基本解释adv. 接着,接连地;连着;相继不绝;纷纷
1. 陆续
2. 一连
3. 继承
4. 连续地
5. 连续的
6. 顺次
2. 一连
3. 继承
4. 连续地
5. 连续的
6. 顺次
- Within three years 40 wall street chrysler building and the empire state building were completed in succession from 1929 to 1931 in new york . However what came along was not the new prosperity but the unprecedented great depression .
- 纽约的华尔街40号、克莱斯勒大厦和帝国大厦相继于1929年至1931年的三年中落成,但随之而来的不是新的繁荣,而是空前的大萧条。
- Caesar himself progressed within the roman political system becoming in succession quaestor aedile and praetor .
- 凯撒本人在罗马政治体系中不断攀升,接连担任过财务官、市政官和裁判官。
- This is the fifth gain in succession and the first reading showing an expansion in nine months .
- 这是该指数连续第5次上升,而且是9个月来首次显示扩张状态。
- The opening celebrations also featured a death-defying relay . Seven teams of three participants each scaled the three towers in succession before sprinting across the 340-metre long sands skypark where the infinity pool is located to the
- 开幕庆典上还有一场惊心动魄的接力表演,共有七只队伍参加,每支队伍三人,他们依次攀登三座塔楼,再横跨340米长的金沙空中花园(即泳池所在位置)到达终点线。
- Chinese exports fell steeply in april for the sixth month in succession suggesting the worst might not be over for the world 's third largest economy .
- 中国4月份出口连续第六个月大幅下降,显示对世界第三大经济体而言,最糟糕的时刻也许尚未过去。
- Each main sylvite company expands graininess sylvite productivity in succession .
- 各主要钾盐企业纷纷扩大粒状钾盐生产能力。
- As expected the monkey on the tree threw straw hat in succession .
- 果然,树上的猴子都将草帽纷纷地扔了下来。
- The foreign capital gets into in succession promoting the high-speed development of the chinese automotive industry but also brought negative influence on automotive exterior environment and the industry safe .
- 外资的纷纷进入,促进了中国汽车业的高速发展,给中国汽车业带来了很多好处,但同时也给汽车的外部环境及产业安全方面带来了负面影响。
- The large japanese transnational enterprises like hitachi and kobe steel have settled in the park in succession .
- 日本日立、神户制钢等大型日本跨国企业已相继在该园区落户。