in the wake of
基本解释adv. 尾随,紧跟,仿效;随着;跟着
1. 紧接着
2. 紧紧跟随
2. 紧紧跟随
- But in the wake of the financial crisis things are different .
- 但是,随着经济危机的到来,事情变得不一样。
- Private investigators in britain face possible regulation in the wake of the news corporation phone-hacking scandal .
- 随着新闻公司电话监听丑闻的爆出,伦敦的私家侦探可能面临政策规范。
- In the wake of the biggest economic calamity in 80 years that reputation has taken a beating .
- 然而随着近八十年来最严重的经济危机,经济学的光环日益黯淡。
- This recovery in the wake of the worst financial shock since 1929 is even slower .
- 自1929年以来随着最严重的经济震荡之后,经济恢复甚至更慢。
- Bright sand streaks can form in the wake of desert cyclones when the whirlwinds break up popcorn-ball-like clumps of sand a new study shows .
- 一项新的研究显示,当沙漠气旋的旋风打碎爆米花球状的沙团时,可能随之形成明亮的沙粒条痕。
- British officials who have often been told that in a big economic crisis they would be tugged along hopelessly in the wake of the eurozone are enjoying their moment of vindication .
- 英国官员经常听到这样的话:在重大经济危机中,他们只能无望地跟着欧元区亦步亦趋。
- Those images of us aircraft carriers evacuating thousands in the wake of flooding stick in my mind .
- 美国的航空母舰在洪水爆发之后抢救疏散成千上万民众的景象仍然在冲击着我的头脑。
- His death was widely discussed on the chinese internet in the wake of the wenzhou accident .
- 这位总裁的去世发生在温州动车事故之后,并被中国网民广泛讨论。
- But suzlon and other wind-power turbine makers have suffered declining sales in the wake of the global financial crisis .
- 但在全球金融危机之后,苏司兰和其他风力发电涡轮机生产企业的销售不断下降。
- That changed in the wake of the reformation and the counter-reformation .
- 这种情况在宗教改革和反对宗教改革的过程中有所改变。