inferior to
1. 下等的,次的
2. 级别低于,不如
2. 级别低于,不如
- Need more proof the electric range is inferior to gas ?
- 还需要更多证据证明电炉不如煤气灶吗?
- Liberal arts majors are considered inferior to graduates with engineering or accounting degrees .
- 文科生被认为不如拥有工程或财会学位的毕业生。
- Even though their intelligence will be inferior to ours we will find ourselves forming emotional ties to them .
- 即使它们的智力仍不及人类,但我们会发现自己会形成对它们的情感关联。
- They felt inferior to the others until the team 's international success gave them some pride .
- 他们感到低人一等,直到球队在国际上的成功才给了他们一些自豪感。
- Though this significant difference doesn 't quite mean the end of institutional schools it will help put an end to the myth that online learning is inferior to traditional learning .
- 尽管这一显著的差别并不意味着机构学校的终结,但是它却可以帮助我们终结长久以来的一个误区,即网络教育要比传统教育差。
- Many federally owned chimpanzees were bred to support aids research but later proved inferior to more modern technologies .
- 许多联邦拥有的大猩猩,本来是养着用于艾滋病研究的,但后来人们发现用大猩猩还不如倚仗现代科技。
- Everything is in the premise of live meaningful to the old man after the death of a scene still be inferior to buried before open happy heart old man .
- 一切都是在活着的前提下才有意义,给老人死后一个风光的大葬,还不如生前让老人多开开心心。
- Samuelson showed that these outcomes were inferior to the outcome of the social security contract for every generation except the one still alive on judgment day .
- 萨缪尔森证明,对于每代人而言,这些方法的结果都不如社会保障契约的结果但活到审判日的那代人例外。
- Women are still inferior to men in most countries .
- 许多国家中女人的地位仍然低于男人。
- I had always found banshee to be inferior to rhythmbox .
- 我曾一直认为banshee是比不上rhythmbox媒体播放器的。