join forces
1. 联合力量
2. 协力,团结
3. 合作
4. 团结
2. 协力,团结
3. 合作
4. 团结
- A spokesman for steelmaker posco said the korean group expects to join forces with the japanese consortium .
- 浦项发言人说,该财团将会与日本财团联合竞标。
- Microsoft and yahoo today announced that after months of courting and coyness the two companies will join forces in the web search arena to challenge google 's dominance .
- 微软和雅虎今天宣布,经过数月的示好与羞怯,这两家公司将在网页搜索的竞技场合力挑战google的支配地位。
- Separately two opposition political parties said they would join forces in october 's election .
- 此外,两个反对派政党表示,他们将协力进行10月份选举活动。
- He is likely to join forces with the conservative sunrise party of japan which has just two lower-house members .
- 他可能会与只有两名众议员的保守政党奋起日本党(sunrisepartyofjapan)联合。
- And symantec join forces to protect consumers online .
- 与赛门铁克联手保护消费者在线安全。
- Is the world returning to an age of class war and industrial strife as victims of the recession join forces against heartless bosses ?
- 随着经济衰退的受害者们联合起来施压于黑心老板,世界是不是要回归到阶级斗争和工业革命的状态?
- Large brands will build buy or join forces to create consumer media platforms .
- 大品牌将会自建,购买或加入消费者媒体平台。
- Others moot that xstrata and anglo might join forces .
- 其他人则在讨论xstrata和英美资源集团或许会通力合作。
- They headed north to join forces with us .
- 他们向北进发去和我们会师。
- To join forces for a common purpose .
- 联合为一个共同的目的而联合力量。