judge from
- The angry people thought this bad law ought to be abolished to keep the judge from abusing his power .
- 愤怒的人们认为那项错误的法律应该被废除以免法官滥用职权。
- The senate voted to remove a federal judge from the bench in louisiana finding him guilty on a variety of corruption charges .
- 参议员投票决定罢黜一联邦法官在路易斯安那州的席位,原因是其种种受贿指控。
- We have chosen courtroom number one our largest courtroom said mr liang a judge from the court 's press office who would only give his surname .
- 合肥市中院新闻处的一位不愿透露全名的梁(音译)姓法官表示:“我们选择的是最大的一号法庭。”
- Judge lawrence ordered a preliminary hearing for jan. 24 and it 's likely that this will be the last federal judge from arizona to preside over a legal hearing for mr. loughner .
- 法官安德森下令1月24日举行预审(preliminaryhearing),他可能是最后一位主持拉夫纳听审的亚利桑那州联邦法官。
- A warrant in form 2 in the fifth schedule may be issued by a judge or in the absence of any judge from the court house by the registrar returnable within 6 days and addressed to a bailiff of the court .
- 附表5表格2格式的手令,可由法官出,如法官不在法院,由司法常官出;手令出具予法院的一名主任,於6天回告。
- To judge from the blog started by some of the centre 's disgruntled staff their mood is decidedly sfumato .
- 从中心心怀不满的一些工作人员开设的博客中判断,他们的心情现在是绝对的sfumato。
- To judge from some banners they may have a new category of enemy : eurocrats .
- 从一些横福中可以判断,他们还有了一群新的敌人:欧盟的官员。
- To judge from various recent publications the spirit of the times is not blowing in the direction of formalist and intrinsic criticism .
- 译文则是:“根据最近出版的各种著作判断,时代精神正朝着形式主义和内在批评的方向发展。”
- Appointed to the court by gerald r. ford in 1975 the dapper judge from chicago was seated in time to pass judgment on the new laws .
- 委任由杰拉尔德福特在1975年法庭上,法官从芝加哥衣冠楚楚坐在及时传递新的法律判断。
- And to judge from my own inbox asset managers are starting to ask about the economics of how it could occur .
- 此外,从我邮箱收到的信息来看,资产管理公司已开始询问导致这种情况出现的经济因素。