keep from
基本解释隐瞒;阻止; 免于;忍住
1. 阻止,抑制
2. 避开
3. 抑制
4. 使免于
5. 瞒住
2. 避开
3. 抑制
4. 使免于
5. 瞒住
- She looks at him tries to keep from crying .
- 她看着他,忍住不哭。
- Tuck a pantry shelving or cabinets flush with the wall to keep from obstructing the kitchen 's flow .
- 折短餐具室,搁置或橱柜与墙齐平以防止妨碍厨房的运作。
- To keep from packing on pounds experts say limit food consumption to your hours of peak activity .
- 专家说,为了避免体重增加,进食的时间要限制在活动最多的时间段。
- Part six : how to keep from worrying about criticism
- 第六部分:如何远离他人的言论所带来的忧虑
- It 's how to decide what to keep from the past and what to take from all the new choices a growing economy offers .
- 那就是如何从过去的饮食习惯中扬长避短并从增长中的经济所能提供的所有新的选择机会里做出取舍。
- There were rumours that one reason local officials might have wanted him dead was to keep from being elected again .
- 民间有传言,当地官员之所以置他于死地,是不想让他再次当选村长。
- Physical and mental health are closely intertwined and it 's hard to keep from stressing out when one 's body is failing .
- 身体健康与精神健康密不可分,当身体出问题时,仍要保持没有压力是很困难的。
- Six children are huddled into one bedto keep from freezing for they have no fire .
- 六个孩子为了不被冻僵挤在一张床上,因为他们没有火取暖。
- If you 're tilting it from a container into the steaming kettle the lobster will sometimes try to cling to the container 's sides or even to hook its claws over the kettle 's rim like a person trying to keep from going over the edge of a ro
- 如果你把他们从容器中倒进热气腾腾的锅中,龙虾有时会试图抓住容器的边缘,甚至有钳子钩在锅的边上,就像是一个人试着不要从屋顶边掉下去一样。
- Use pillows to prop yourself on your side or attach a tennis ball with a rubber band to the back of a t-shirt to keep from turning over on your back .
- 用枕头支撑着保持侧身躺,或者用橡皮筋在你体恤衫的后面系一个网球来防止你仰面躺着。