keep pace with
基本解释v. 并驾齐驱;赶上;跟上
1. 保持同步
2. 齐头并进
3. 紧扣
2. 齐头并进
3. 紧扣
- But whether it can keep pace with the increasing complexity of chinese society without undergoing fundamental changes itself is questionable .
- 但至于它能否在不对自身进行根本性改革的情况下,跟上日益复杂的中国社会的步伐,这一点值得怀疑。
- Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age and reliable warrant of success in times of uncertainty .
- 持续的学习是在信息时代中与时俱进的最稳妥的方法,也是在无常变化的时代中求得成功的可靠保证。
- Although china is the world 's biggest gold producer mining 291 tonnes in the first 10 months last year the country 's ageing gold mines have failed to keep pace with demand forcing imports to rise .
- 尽管中国是世界最大的黄金生产国,去年头10个月黄金开采量合计291吨,但是中国日益老化的金矿无法跟上需求增长的步伐,导致进口量上升。
- And you said they can 't keep pace with the demand .
- 你说过现在他们跟不上市场需求的发展。
- There are not many domestic bonds and bank deposits barely keep pace with inflation .
- 中国没有多少国内债券可供投资,而银行存款利率几乎跟不上通胀步伐。
- The fda needs to keep pace with current thinking in the broader scientific community and avoid needless additional trials like those now awaiting avastin .
- fda需要跟上广大科学界目前的思路,并避免像阿瓦斯丁一样的药物面临没有必要的额外审批。
- An effort by the ecb to keep pace with capital flight would in time lead to ruinous inflation and an even more massive crisis .
- 欧洲央行试图跟上资本外逃速度的努力迟早会造成毁灭性的通胀,引发一场规模更大的危机。
- Because design is important in so many industries there is a dearth of local experts to keep pace with rising demand .
- 由于设计工作对于许多行业都很重要,本地专家的匮乏使其无法跟上不断增长的需求。
- To boost worker welfare beijing wants to see income keep pace with gains in the overall economy .
- 为了增长工人福利,北京想要看到工人的收入与整体经济所得保持同步上涨。
- Sri funds also keep pace with the performance of other funds .
- sri基金在业绩上也堪与其它基金媲美。