keep track of
1. 留心
2. 保持联系
3. 跟踪
4. 明了
5. 跟踪记录
2. 保持联系
3. 跟踪
4. 明了
5. 跟踪记录
- Elsewhere people still used money to balance accounts and keep track of debts and many small kingdoms minted their own coins .
- 其他地方的人们仍然使用货币来平衡账目、记录债务,许多小国还在铸造自己的货币。
- All those + 1 's they keep track of will not only help google make their searches better but also make them more relevant to your social circle .
- 所有的这些+1它们并不是记录了谷歌让他们的搜索更好,同时也与你们的社交圈相关。
- ' I don 't really keep track of how much I spend I just buy what I want ' said ms. mu a 27-year-old editor for a popular internet portal .
- 现年27岁,在一家主流门户网站担任编辑的穆小姐(音)说,我基本上不会记录自己的消费习惯,通常都是想要什么就买什么。
- You probably use some version of a to-do list to keep track of everything you need to do .
- 你可能会使用某个版本的待办事项表来记录需要做的每件事情。
- How does the government keep track of all these financial transactions ?
- 那么政府是如何跟踪,计算这些交易的呢?
- Most applications need to keep track of certain state of a particular user .
- 大多数的应用需要对一个特别用户的某些状态进行跟踪。
- Unit tests can keep track of the original expression which failed so it can show exactly what happened .
- 单元测试可以跟踪到最原始的失败的表达式,所以可以明确知道发生了什么。
- Most co-ops keep track of baby-sitting hours on a list of debits and credits ; one local group keeps track by exchanging poker chips .
- 大多数协作社通过一个借记卡和信用卡的列表来跟踪保姆看护的时间;有一个地方组织通过交换扑克筹码来跟踪。
- Use mint 's real-time money tracking system to keep track of how you spend your discretionary dollars .
- 用mint的实时处理金钱追踪系统来追踪你是如何支出你的可支配收入的。
- It 's a great way to keep track of where your competition is getting their products made and by whom .
- 这无疑是一种非常出色的能够被用来追踪同类产品的产地以及竞争对手身份的方式。