kill off
基本解释消灭, 把…一个接一个地杀死
1. 杀光
2. 消灭光
2. 消灭光
- The nazis too helped kill off the zeppelin .
- 纳粹,也有助于杀死齐柏林硬式飞艇。
- Free can also be used to kill off competition and create a barrier to entry .
- 免费还可能扼杀竞争并制造进入门槛。
- Steve ballmer laughed off the iphone which eventually helped kill off windows mobile - and it 's now bigger than all of microsoft 's businesses combined .
- 史蒂夫鲍尔默对iphone一笑了之,这款产品目的是要消灭微软的移动视窗-它现在大于所有微软的业务组合。
- Free trade and outsourcing helped kill off the manufacturing plants .
- 自由贸易和外购更是将制造业工厂推向死亡的深渊。
- My greatest fear is that after all these years largely as nonparticipants in the american dream our inclusion will ultimately kill off tribal languages traditions and our knowledge .
- 我最担心的是,这么多年来大部分时间里我们都是美国梦的非参与者,但现在参与到主流文化将最终灭绝我们的部落语言、传统和我们的知识。
- The clincher was when she treated some mice with an antibiotic to kill off their gut bacteria .
- 令人费解的是当她使用抗生素处理一些老鼠时会杀死它们的肠道细菌。
- Ed balls the shadow chancellor cites the feeble growth numbers as vindication of his prediction that rapid spending cuts would kill off the recovery inherited by mr osborne .
- 反对党影子财政大臣埃德鲍尔斯援引疲软无力的经济增长数据作为证据以证明他的预测,即迅速削减支出将会扼杀奥斯本接手时的(经济)复苏迹象。
- My usual game is to kill off all soft so do not affect the total right ?
- 我往常游戏时都是把杀软全关了的,这样总没影响了吧?
- If your answer not my problem I will kill off you !
- 如果你回答不出我的问题,我就要杀掉你!
- Kill off weeds insects rats .
- 灭除杂草、害虫、老鼠。