let in on
- He will never be let in on the arrangements without our consent .
- 如果没有我们的同意,永远也不会让他知道这种安排。
- You mean the first person I let in on the fact that I was really alive ?
- 你是说只要传给第一个知道我是活的人就行了?
- Laurel is finally let in on emma and sutton 's ( alexandra chando ) secret .
- 萝拉最终得知了艾玛和莎顿的秘密了。
- Even those on its investment committee were not let in on the secret .
- 即使那些“投资委员会”的人也毫不知情。
- Gorbachev : let me clarify : first we celebrated here in moscow on march 2 in a group of people close to me . It wasn 't a small group about 200 people .
- 戈尔巴乔夫:让我澄清:3月2日我们先在莫斯科庆祝,是一群与我相熟的人,不在少数,约有200人.
- Because here were two pretty rare examples of light being let in on the usually murky business of talent retention and acquisition .
- 因为这是两个非常罕见的例子,让人们得以一瞥通常不为外人所知的“留住”和“获取”人才的问题。
- Germans are flummoxed by humor the swiss have no concept of fun the spanish think there is nothing at all ridiculous about eating dinner at midnight and the italians should never ever have been let in on the invention of th
- 德国人对幽默会不知所措;瑞士人不懂得什叫乐趣;西班牙人半夜吃晚饭不会觉得可笑;义大利人呢,让他们知道发明了汽车实在是大错特错。
- But it mirrored the feelings of many parents as their child is suddenly let in on the fact that their body holds more secrets than they ever knew about and so does the bodies of their friends and classmates .
- 但是,这反映了大多数父母在面对孩子突然知道他们自己还有他们的朋友和同学的身体里有更多他们不知道的秘密时的心情。
- Or perhaps your daughter felt you might tell other people outside the immediate family whom she was not yet prepared to let in on her secret .
- 又或者也许你的女儿认为你会告诉其他人这件事,而她还没有做好准备让她的秘密曝光。
- But took a legal development was still at the initial stage the country the spirit damage compensate system extreme was not perfect has many questions to let us fall into confusedly only gave some explanations in here on s
- 但是作为一个法律发展仍处于“初级阶段”的国家来说,精神损害赔偿制度还极度不健全,有很多问题让我们陷入迷茫,在这里仅就一些基本的问题做一些阐释。