let loose
基本解释v. 释放,放出,放任;不拘束
1. 自由
2. 放开
2. 放开
- Has the dog been let loose is it still tired up ?
- 狗已经放了呢,还是仍然拴着?
- Last year a pakistani extremist abdur rehman makki told a rally that if india were to block pakistan 's waters we will let loose a river of blood .
- 去年一位名为abdurrehmanmakki的巴基斯坦极端分子在一次集会中表示,如果印度“封锁巴基斯坦的水源,我们将大开杀戒,让血流成河。”
- He was let loose and recovered himself .
- 他被放开后,清醒了过来。
- That 's because people want to let loose as much as possible before the start of lent .
- 因为大家都想在四旬齐开始前尽量放松。
- With palm trees swaying over almost a mile of sparkling sand there is no better place for you to let loose entirely and simply sway along with the breeze .
- 数里的棕榈树延绵在闪闪发光的沙子上,没有一个地方可以让你像这儿这样完全的放松,并沐浴在微风中。
- The u.s. army was afraid he was too dangerous to let loose on the streets .
- 美国军方认为放他到大街上太危险。
- Just close your eyes and let loose your imagination .
- 闭上眼睛,海阔天空地遐想一番吧。
- Three pairs of common english ra its were let loose in australia in the middle of the nineteenth century .
- 19世纪中期,3对普通英国家兔在澳大利亚被放掉。
- I remembered that loved you I had regretted very much why initially could let loose you .
- 我记得曾经爱过你,我很后悔当初为什么要放开你。
- Because he hath loosed my cord and afflicted me they have also let loose the bridle before me .
- 因为神把我的弓弦松开,叫我受苦,他们就在我面前任意妄为。