lie behind
基本解释位于…之后; 留在…的后头;是…的原因;存在于过去
- Could political motives lie behind the largesse ?
- 慷慨背后,是否暗藏政治玄机?
- The grim facts which lie behind the facade of gaiety .
- 隐藏在欢乐后面的严酷事实。
- Two things lie behind latin america 's renaissance .
- 两个原因导致了拉丁美洲的复兴。
- They but dimly represent the great surging feelings and desires which lie behind .
- 它们只是模糊地代表了语言背后所隐藏的汹涌澎湃的激情和愿望。
- The asset bust and unwinding of debt that lie behind the recession mean that eventual recovery is likely to be too weak to create jobs rapidly .
- 而在衰退后存在的资产泡沫破灭及债务解约情况,则意味着经济最终恢复的可能性太小,而无法迅速创建工作岗位。
- But in a country that relies on coal for most of its electricity powerful financial incentives lie behind unsafe mines .
- 但是在这个依赖煤炭生产大部分电力的国家,在不安全的煤矿后面的是强大的经济刺激。
- Fundamental questions about the future structure of the financial services industry lie behind the controversy .
- 在这场争论背后的,是有关金融服务业未来架构的基本问题。
- Serious and understandable concerns lie behind the caricatures that dominate this debate .
- 在这场辩论的漫画式夸张背后,是各种严肃且可以理解的关切。
- Just as damaging are revelations of corruption that lie behind the recent weeks several officials have been suspended over financial irregularities .
- 正如这些破坏揭露了隐藏在混乱背后的腐败,近几周一些官员因为金融违规行为而被停职。
- Several things lie behind the oil boom .
- 哥伦比亚石油繁荣的背后有其原因。