make a fortune
1. 赚钱
2. 发财致富
2. 发财致富
- As he colourfully predicted earlier this year : lowlife grave-dancers like me will make a fortune .
- 正如他今年早些时候所预言的那样,“像我这样下层的扫墓舞者会发财。”
- Lenders make a fortune in charging their customers payment protection .
- 放款发财收取客户支付的保障.
- It fell instead to sailors from far away who came thousands of miles from the levantine coast of the eastern mediterranean to realize the potential for using these gastropods to make a fortune .
- 反而是从地中海东部黎凡特海岸千里远来的水手们意识到,用这些腹足类发财的潜在可能。
- Other dodgy tradesmen make a fortune serving endangered species to superstitious diners .
- 另一些狡猾的商贩在迷信濒危物种的食客身上狠赚了一笔。
- Many participants here are engaged in business and trade . Doing business one seeks to make a fortune and development .
- 在座的各位多是经商的,是从事经济贸易的,做生意要讲发财、讲发展。
- It 's an entertaining read conveying a similar message to many of the others : that to make a fortune what you need is stubbornness and a willingness to take risks .
- 这是一部很有趣的著作,与其他同类作品传达的智慧相似:要想致富,你就需要有顽强拼搏、甘愿冒险的精神。
- You could make a fortune .
- 你可以发一笔财.
- Oh god you could make a fortune at surrogate pregnancy .
- 天啊,你要是去代人怀孕准能赚大钱。
- Make a fortune in a bull market play defensive in a bear market .
- 在牛市中寻找财富在熊市中保持防御姿态。
- The way of the jewish merchants to make a fortune .
- 犹太商人是这样子赚钱的。