make at
1. 扑向
2. 袭击
2. 袭击
- You may one day have far more choices to make at the checkout counter .
- 有一天你可能会发现在柜台结账时会有更多的选择。
- Chinese investors can generate returns of over 100 % per year on investments they make at home ; this is rare in the us market .
- 中国的投资者在本土的房地产投资通常每年都有100%的投资回报率这在美国是不可想象的。
- From solar water heaters and gadget chargers to homemade super-efficientrefrigerators you 'll find links ( with instructions ) to some of the best projects you can make at home ......
- 从太阳能热水器、新奇充电器到自制超节能电冰箱。你还可以找到这些在家就可以施行的方案的链接(附加说明)……
- For instance if a chinese hostess is praised for a dish she will demur and perhaps say that it is not difficult to make at all .
- 例如,如果中国妻子的一道菜受到称赞,她会否认说这道菜并不难做。
- Think about any changes you might need to make at home so they have the time space and energy for homework .
- 想一想是否需要对家里做一些改变,从而让孩子们有足够的时间、空间及活力去完成家庭作业。
- Losing my virginity at 16 was just about making a choice that I wanted to make at that age .
- 在16岁把我的贞操送出去恰恰是我在那个岁数想要做出的选择。
- By contrast it can make at least a full percentage point more on lending in asia outside japan .
- 相比之下,若是在亚洲(不含日本)发放贷款,它至少可以多挣整整一个百分点。
- They have too readily assumed that central banks can make at least short-term nominal interest rates what they like and have concentrated on esoteric exercises on the path they should follow .
- 他们过于轻易地就假定,央行至少能将短期利率维持在自己乐见的水平,并在他们应走的路线上进行秘密操作。
- Last year he completed the haj the pilgrimage to mecca that every muslim is expected to make at least once .
- 去年,他刚刚完成麦加朝觐,这是每一个穆斯林一生中至少需完成一次的宗教义务。
- Check out our 10 + dishes and drinks everyone should know how to make at home plus how to eat healthy when you hate cooking .
- 看看我们的每个人都应该知道如何在家做的十佳菜肴和饮料,以及当你讨厌做菜的时候如何吃得健康。