make much of
1. 明白
2. 悉心照顾
3. 溺爱
4. 尊重
2. 悉心照顾
3. 溺爱
4. 尊重
- You can of course expand on this to make much of your environment more spring or summer-like .
- 你当然也可以根据这个延伸一下,让你的坏境看上去更像春天或者夏天。
- All this could make much of the current forest area inhospitable to trees .
- 所有的这些将会使现有的森林区不再适宜树木生长。
- It doesn 't make much of a difference whether a teacher speaks british or american english .
- 老师是讲英国英语还是美国英语是没有多大区别的。
- More importantly creating this network is highly unlikely to make much of a dent in transportation mode splits .
- 更为重要的是,发展这样的网络不太可能改变美国现有的交通运输方式。
- Consider china where many hospitals make much of their income from selling the drugs they prescribe .
- 看一下中国,很多医院的大部分收入来自处方药的销售。
- The defense will undoubtedly make much of this fact .
- 辩方毫无疑问也会重视这些事实的。
- Local authorities make much of their revenue by converting farming or residential land to commercial use .
- 地方政府的大量收入都来自於将农田或住宅用地转化为商业用途。
- So selling alcon a highly profitable business will not make much of a dent .
- 所以出售爱尔康,一笔高利润的买卖,不会导致负面的重大影响。
- What the video-games industry has done is to make much of this activity better and more convenient for the players .
- 电子游戏业所做的是让玩家能更方便、更好地参与到这些活动当中来。
- The basic idea behind pinterest - which lets you create and share collections of stuff you like in any category you choose - has been tried before by start-ups that didn 't make much of a mark .
- pinterest背后的主要思想让你创造并且分享一系列你喜欢的任何你选择的种类的东西曾经被一些创业公司尝试过,但是并没怎么成功。