mark up
1. 加标示
2. 涨价,记帐
3. 标出
4. 涨价
5. 标高价格
6. 赊帐
7. 记帐
2. 涨价,记帐
3. 标出
4. 涨价
5. 标高价格
6. 赊帐
7. 记帐
- For instance restaurants give you the tablecloth and the silverware free and mark up the food .
- 例如,餐馆免费给你提供桌布和镀银餐具,但“提高”了食物的价格。
- Many suppliers have set different price and mark up .
- 许多供应商已订定不同的价格和马克。
- By skipping the middleman ( the store ) you also save on the mark up price that the store has to add to make a profit .
- 略去中间人(店)马克你还节省了价格加上店已经赚钱.
- What is the best way to mark up the title of a document ?
- 什么是最好的方式来标记文档的标题?
- In the xhtml specification the language is once again only structural . Tags are used to mark up headings paragraphs lists hypertext links and other structural parts of the document .
- 在xhtml规范中,该语言再次成为结构化的,标记用来标出文档中的题目、段落、列表、超级链接和其他结构化部件。
- I wouldn 't mark up a painting or a statue .
- 我决不会在一幅绘画或者一座雕像上做标记。
- Exercise 5 : editing the text to mark up names and places .
- 练习5:编辑文献来标志名称与地名。
- You can have people mark up separate copies of a shared workbook then combine the changes in one copy . Click merge workbooks on the tools menu .
- 可以使多位用户各自标注同一共享工作簿的单一副本,然后将更改内容组合进一份副本中。单击“工具”菜单中的“合并工作簿”即可。
- Seeing other kids fail to understand your site is much more motivational than having the teacher 's red pen mark up your essay .
- 看到别的小朋友不明白您的网页比老师用红色笔标记您的作文更激励人。
- Car dealers borrow money at wholesale interest rates which they then mark up and pass on to you .
- 汽车经销商批发借贷利率,然后他们标记和传授给你钱。