next door to
基本解释和…隔壁[相邻];几乎, 差不多;频于
- I popped next door to congratulate my colleague .
- 我冲到隔壁去向他表示祝贺。
- He lives next door to a 13 year old matilda who is part of a dysfunctional family .
- 他住在13岁玛蒂尔达的隔壁,玛蒂尔达出生在一个不和睦的家庭中。
- The treasury secretary is part of the president 's team and works next door to the white house .
- 财政部长是总统的团队的一部分,并且就在白宫的隔壁工作。
- Do you want to live next door to us president barack obama ?
- 想做美国总统奥巴马的邻居吗?
- When expansion meant buying the small building next door to the original branch the valuable ground-floor retail space was leased to starbucks .
- 当扩张意味着买下原分行旁边的一小栋楼时,首层值钱的商铺区租给了星巴克。
- Moreover working from home will not be so isolating if home is next door to where potential workmates live .
- 此外,如果隔壁住着的就是潜在的同事,那么在家工作就不一定是那么与世隔绝了。
- Next door to huajian 's facility a plastics factory advertised jobs for women between the ages of 18 and 40 .
- 在华坚工厂的隔壁,一家塑料制品工厂贴出广告,招聘年龄在18岁至40岁的女性。
- I 'm just going next door to see mrs. jones .
- 我正要到隔壁看望琼斯太太。
- You mustn 't forget the fact that china is next door to myanmar and the us is some way away she once said in her understated way .
- 她曾以自己朴实的方式说:“你不能忘记,中国是缅甸邻国,而美国相当遥远。”
- The sick man was next door to death .
- 这病人差不多要死了。