no use
1. 无用
2. 没用的
3. 白搭
2. 没用的
3. 白搭
- But it 's no use whining .
- 但是,哀鸣是没有用的。
- But there 's no use denying - though many do deny it - that this ethos violates the religious ethos on many levels .
- 但是,否认是没有用的-尽管许多人否认-这种风气在许多方面违反宗教精神。
- He says that when whole-genome sequencing arrives single-gene patents will be of no use .
- 他说当全基因组测序到来之后,单基因的专利将毫无用处。
- But it is no use just hoping the crisis will go away .
- 但只是希望这场危机将会自动消失是无济于事的。
- An elegant organising idea is no use if a company cannot come up with good products or services or if it has clueless bosses .
- 如果公司生产不出好的产品,提供不了好的服务,或者老板无知蠢钝,那么一个精妙的组织构想也就没有用处了。
- By sharing the leadership with others he has made his policy hostage to the limited mandate ( no use of force for regime change ) imposed by the united nations and the limited means of his allies in europe and the middle east .
- 通过分享领导权,他已经让自己的政策(美军不参与政变)成为了的联合国有限授权的人质,并且也限制了他的欧洲和中东盟友的行动方式。
- But that 's not the same as saying that because we can 't connect them right now to observable predictions there 's no use talking about them .
- 但因为我们现在还不能将它们与可观测的预测联系在一起,所以这么说是不同的,谈论它们是没用的。
- Besides american tanks and armies were no use in what had become a counter-insurgency intelligence game which the iraqis were better equipped to play than were the americans .
- 此外,美国坦克和军队在伊拉克发叛乱的智力游戏中已经没有任何用处,在这场游戏中伊拉克军队比美军装备更好。
- There 's no use investing in even the world 's best buggy-whip company when cars are replacing horses .
- 当汽车代替了马车时,投资世界上最好的马鞭公司也是没有用的。
- Worse in the most remote places cash welfare is no use since food and fuel markets do not even exist .
- 更糟糕的是,在最偏远的地区,现金福利根本没有用,因为那里甚至都没有食物和油类市场。