on end
1. 连续的
2. 连续不断地
3. 连续地,竖着
4. 接连
5. 竖着
6. 连续不断
2. 连续不断地
3. 连续地,竖着
4. 接连
5. 竖着
6. 连续不断
- They say he wrote in bed for years on end .
- 他们说他在床上连续写了好多年。
- They argued for two hours on end .
- 他们连续争论了两个小时。
- Wearing the same sweat-soaked khakis for days on end was torture .
- 连续好几天穿着同一件沾满汗水的军服对她是一种折磨。
- Sinks but then stands on end it 's about two weeks old .
- 下沉,但是最终浮在水中,那么这只鸡蛋已经两周了。
- The story of caroline mathilde is by far the richest but it means that her brothers are lost from sight for chapters on end .
- 卡罗林玛蒂尔德的故事明显最为丰富,但与此同时,她的兄弟们却接连几章不见踪影。
- It 's hard to be happy in overcrowded airport lounges or while you 're trying to stay civil for days on end with relatives who stretch your patience .
- 无论是身处人满为患的机场候机大厅,还是客客气气地和那些考验你耐心的亲戚们连续相处数日,你都很难高兴起来。
- But can even the most responsible of families and carers be trusted to supervise such technology day in and day out for years on end to stop accidents happening ?
- 但是即使是最负责的家人和护理人员,他们能够最为信赖地一天又一天地连续监督这样的技术,来阻止事故的发生吗?
- My job is to review monthly reports on end user satisfaction and make suggestions .
- 我的职责是对最终用户满意度月份报告进行评估并提出建议。
- Corn prices would need to remain high for months on end before the impact would be felt in the shops .
- 玉米价格会持续这么高好几个月,但会在消费者真正在商店里感受到冲击前就会结束。
- Please put the barrel on end .
- 请把这只桶竖起来。