on ones own
- Their tragic reason depends on ones own environments and psychologies .
- 她们的悲剧原因取决于各自的环境与心态。
- On ones own way no one can replace no applause but can enjoy the scenery alone .
- 人生的路上,无人替代,无人喝彩,独自享受路上的风景。
- Having a good self image is based on a realistic assessment of ones own worth and value and capabilities .
- 对自己的形象有积极的认识,是建立在对自己的价值和能力的符合现实的评价基础上的。
- We human beings on the planet are the only ones who can contemplate our own existence .
- 我们在行星上的人类是唯一的能思忖我们自己的存在。
- We must set goals that are bigger than ones we can reach on your own .
- 我们设立的目标,必须是靠自己的能力所达不到的。
- They argue the disputed subsidies are akin to the ones the eu lavishes on its own companies .
- 它们辩称,那些存在争议的补贴与欧盟大量给予自身公司的补贴类似。
- It means we must set goals that are bigger than ones we can reach on your own .
- 意思是,我们必须制定一个靠我们自己完不成的目标。
- Economists have put forward lots of views on this issue and I just add my own ones .
- 经济学家们已经提出了很多研究视角,我在这里补充几个角度。
- What has happened is that those who prospered during the 1990s were divided into two camps : the good oligarchs who deferred to mr putin 's grip on state power ; and the bad ones who dared harbour their own political ambitions .
- 事实是,在90年代飞黄腾达的那批寡头们分为两个阵营:一个是顺从普京掌控国家政权的“好寡头”,另一种是胆敢自己暗藏政治野心的“坏寡头”。
- If these new cases follow the pattern of previous ones prosecutors could follow up on regulatory actions with their own complaints .
- 如果现在洗钱模式与原来一样,那么执行人就能依据正规程序解决他们的问题。