on the move
1. 四处奔波
2. 在行军中
3. 在活动中
4. 在忙碌中
2. 在行军中
3. 在活动中
4. 在忙碌中
- Everybody is doing more on the move .
- 每一个人都更多的移动生活。
- Furthermore birth limits are hard to enforce in china since such a large proportion of the population is on the move .
- 此外,由于中国有很大一部分人口处于流动状态,计划生育的实施有一定难度。
- Just because you 're on the move doesn 't mean you should leave your exercise routine behind .
- 你在行动,并不表示你就可以把锻炼身体这茬子事儿抛在脑后。
- They became local land to be on the move indispensable soubrette .
- 它们成了当地土地流转不可或缺的红娘.
- As komo reported the bulldozers are already on the move .
- komo电视台报道时,推土机已经在移动了。
- But the deal has now been scrapped so vodacom is on the move .
- 但这张协定在上个月作废,vodacom也开始积极备战。
- They are curious always on the move and love to try out new fashions trends along with new and unusual tastes .
- 他们充满好奇心,总是在东奔西跑,喜爱尝试有奇特新品位的新时装和时尚。
- Apple could soon be venturing into the world of 3d after they filed a patent application for electronic spectacles that would show films on the move .
- 苹果最近申请了一项电子眼镜的专利,可以在行动中播放影片,让人不禁猜想,苹果是否也将投身到3d的淘金之旅中来。
- Throughout their history americans have been people on the move .
- 纵观整个历史,美国人一直是个迁移的民族。
- Sluggish it may be but the locomotive is on the move again ; and the laggards may well be left behind .
- 尽管法德机车可能有些缓慢,但它毕竟已再次前进;那些落后者很可能被抛在后面。