own up
1. 爽快承认
2. 坦白地承认
2. 坦白地承认
- First of all own up to your sin .
- 首先坦承你自己的罪.
- Is there a way I can own up to my dark past and show that I have a bright future ?
- 有没有办法让我既能坦白自己灰暗的过去,同时又能表明自己有着光明的未来?
- To own up to as much does not make for great domestic politics .
- 但承认这一现实,却丝毫无助于奥巴马在国内政治中取得优势。
- Reliable statistics about infidelity are scarce largely because many people won 't own up to an affair .
- 可靠的出轨行为数据非常之少,主要是因为很多人不会承认自已有婚外情。
- And unfortunately that 's all you and your mom will ever own up to be .
- 不幸的是,这就是你和你妈妈永远不会拥有的那样。
- Own up to your wrong-doings and save yourself a lot of trouble .
- 你承认自己的错误可以节省很多的麻烦。
- When you make a mistake own up to it learn from it and forgive yourself .
- 当你自己犯了错误时先承认它后吸取经验教训再原谅你自己。
- Men will confess to murder or arson to false teeth or a wig but will not own up to a lack of humor .
- 人们会率直自己犯的行刺罪或纵火罪,会认可自己戴的是假牙或假发,可是不愿认可自己没有幽默感。
- No need to justify your shortcomings or wrong actions simply own up to your mistakes and recognize that you need help in changing them .
- 没有必要为了你的缺点或错误的行为进行辩护,爽快地承认自己的错误并承认改变它们,你需要帮助。
- In order to be truly redeemed a man has to own up to his responsibilities .
- 为了得到真正的救赎,人必须要尽到自己的责任。