paint out
- An artist is forced by others to paint out of his own free will .
- 一个艺术家是被人逼着去表达自己的自由意志的。
- If one can pick up a brush and paint it out one day it should look pretty much like this .
- 有一天忽然心有所感的拿起笔来画,那相信就是这种面目了。
- How does paint business walk out of brand fictile error .
- 涂料企业如何走出品牌塑造的误区。
- For them writers and painters just had to write and paint and keep out of politics .
- 但对他们而言,作家和画家不过是写写画画的一类人,应当远离政治。
- Once when there were rumors of new burnings someone scrawled in white paint on the pavement out side my house : soul brother .
- 一次,正传说又有人在放火焚烧房屋,有人在我家门口人行道上用白漆写下:黑人兄弟。
- They rented cheap houses from the villagers and settled in . They then ambitiously bought paint and canvas setting out on their artistic explorations .
- 这些人在村里农民的出租房安顿下来,然后雄心勃勃买颜料绷画布,进行艺术的探索与创作。
- The contractor is responsible for checking the weather conditions to ascertain whether the paint work can be carried out within the technical specifications .
- 承包商负责检查天气情况,以确定是否能在技术规范的范围内进行油漆工作。
- If I were a caveman living here thousands of years ago this is where I 'd paint a picture of my clan out hunting an antelope .
- 我想如果我是几千年前生活在这里的穴居人,我就会在这些石壁上画上我们部落围猎羚羊的场景。
- Maybe life is one long wet paint sign : you don 't believe it until you reach out and touch .
- 也许人生就是一块长长的标牌,上面写着“油漆未干”,你只有凑过去触碰到才会相信这回事。
- Tom ordered to paint the walls like actually shi out of tricks not only the work of other children willing to replace him but also automatically brings in xie .
- 像汤姆被罚粉刷围墙竟施出诡计不但使别的孩子心甘情愿代替他工作还自动奉上谢礼。