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pair up


Then luxurious parties with steep entrance fees pair up rich men with these carefully selected beauties .
He went that way.we need to pair up .
Many of the sec 's targets used expert networks that pair up industry specialists ( such as the doctor in question ) with hedge funds wanting insights .
Everyone should pair up for the next dance .
Though formal arranged marriages were banned in 1950 parents and colleagues continued well into the new century to help couples pair up ( some still do ) .
It 's senseless at least in the absence of divine agency to declare that any two people were made for each other yet we say it all the time to sustain our belief that it 's sensible for them to pair up .
After the baby wrens grow up they don 't pair up with other wrens right away ; instead they help their parents raise the next brood . Except that next brood is likely not the true genetic offspring of the father of this family .
A new study found that we tend to pair up with people whose facial features have a similar level of beauty to our own .
The natural longing for friends is still present ( even the anti-friendship counselors admit that kids prefer to pair up and have a best friend ) but we must go back to the greeks and romans in search of materials for a recovery of the art
The study also found we tend to pair up with people whose facial features have a similar level of symmetry - a sign of beauty - to our own .