pertain to
基本解释v. 属于;关于;附属;适合
1. 从属
2. 相称
2. 相称
- How this might pertain to choices that people might make is as yet unclear .
- 这些方式怎样附属于人们可能做出的选择至今仍未明了。
- Gets the culture types that pertain to the current cultureinfo object .
- 获取属于当前cultureinfo对象的区域性类型。
- In a paper published last year two microsoft executives scott charney and eric werner called for governments and companies to come up with much better standards for supply chains to mitigate all sorts of risks including some that perta
- 在去年发布的一项公告当中,微软的两位高管斯科特查尼和ericwerner要求政府和公司为供应链提出更好的标准,来减少包括一些属于安全方面在内的各种各样的风险。
- The following counters pertain to exceptions .
- 下列计数器与异常有关。
- Some of these questions which reach a fever pitch in the days leading up tothanksgiving pertain to the ways in which animals are treated .
- 讨论这类涉及对待动物方式的问题,在感恩节前的日子里达到白热化的程度。
- Analysts said the restrictions on commercial properties probably pertain to companies that want to own and occupy buildings .
- 分析人士说,商业地产的限购令很可能适用于那些希望拥有地产以作自用的公司。
- To which side of the line should words images or phenomena be assigned that belong to earthly reality but also pertain to god ?
- 祷告词、圣像或现象等既属于现实世界但也归属于上帝,划归时应该将它们更偏向于哪一方呢?
- They are spending time there delving into various public policy issues that pertain to cisco .
- 他们在钻研各种与思科公共政策有关的问题上花费了大量时间。
- These nouns all pertain to what underlies and supports .
- 这些名词都与基础与支撑物有关。
- Several command-line options pertain to publishing test results .
- 有几个命令行选项适用于发布测试结果。