pick and choose
基本解释挑三拣四, 仔细挑选;挑五嫌六;拣精挑肥;挑三窝四
1. 挑挑拣拣
2. 挑剔
3. 细心挑选
4. 挑精拣肥
2. 挑剔
3. 细心挑选
4. 挑精拣肥
- So companies here can no longer pick and choose among workers .
- 于是这里的工厂不再能对工人们挑挑拣拣了。
- When you play for england you cannot pick and choose .
- 当你为英格兰踢球时,你不能挑选。
- True the private sector can pick and choose among governments .
- 没错,私人部门能够在各国政府之间进行选择。
- The implication haggis said was that he could pick and choose which tenets of scientology to believe .
- 哈吉斯说,这暗示着他可以“挑挑拣拣”地选择山达基的部分信条去相信。
- Unconditional love does not have its favorites or pick and choose ; you are all god 's children .
- 无条件的爱绝没有它的个人喜好或是去选择和挑选。你们都是“神之子”。
- No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons .
- 任何一个国家都不应挑选哪些国家可以拥有核武器。
- A tight labor market in china as the working-age population peaks also means they will be more able to pick and choose jobs .
- 由于适龄劳动人口达到峰值,中国劳动力市场用工紧张,这也意味着工人们挑选工作的余地更大。
- You might assume zhao envies members of the younger generation able as they are to pick and choose .
- 你可能认为赵昆明会羡慕年轻的一代,因为他们可以自由地做出选择。
- I basically know the answer : temperature is a noisy time series so if you pick and choose your dates over a short time span you can usually make whatever case you want .
- 我基本上知道答案,气温是一条嘈杂的时间序列,所以如果你在一下相对较短的时间跨度里挑选数据,你可以得到任何你想要的结果。
- You can 't pick and choose which laws you obey .
- 法律条款是不由你挑挑拣拣的。