play about
- Hours were spent playing hide-and-go-seek . We used a stage in the grand ballroom to produce a play about santa and his reindeer .
- 大舞厅里的舞台表演被我们用来表演圣诞老人和驯鹿的童话剧。
- No l coward dominated the stage on both sides of the atlantic having become a star virtually overnight at the age of 24 when he wrote directed and starred in the vortex a play about drug abuse among the upper classes .
- 诺埃尔科沃德(nolcoward)称霸着大西洋两岸的舞台艺术表演,事实上他二十四岁时,因自写、自导并自演一部讲述上层阶级吸毒的戏剧“漩涡”而一夜成名。
- The time when we would play about ?
- 那时候,我们快乐的玩耍
- What 's your screen play about ?
- 你的剧本是关于什么的?
- So what 's the third play about ?
- 那第三出戏是关于什么的?
- When I took my son to a play about a troupe of teenage actors to my surprise there was a scene in which the older woman director got amorous with one of the teenagers . Frowning my son turned to me and asked are they married ?
- 有一次带儿子去看一个青少年剧团巡回演出,没想到那个年长的女导演和其中一个少年演员眉来眼去,调起情来,儿子看到了,皱着眉头问我:他们结婚了吗?“是的,当然。”
- England 's most famous playwright william shakespeare came third with a line from his play about star-crossed lovers romeo and juliet : but soft ! What light through yonder window breaks ? It is the east and juliet is the sun .
- 英国最著名的剧作家威廉莎士比亚的戏剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的这句话排在第三位:“嘘!那边窗户里亮起的是什么光?哦,那是东方,朱丽叶就是太阳!”
- Try watching a play about it .
- 那就去看关于它的戏吧。
- You 've written a play about aging .
- 你写的是关于年龄方面的。
- Watching a play about her family .
- 看着关于自己全家人的戏剧。