plunge into
1. 投身于
2. 投入,跳入
3. 跳入
4. 投入
5. 跳进
6. 冲进
7. 突然或仓促地开始某事
2. 投入,跳入
3. 跳入
4. 投入
5. 跳进
6. 冲进
7. 突然或仓促地开始某事
- If nokia did not want to be consumed by the flames it had no choice but to plunge into the icy waters below .
- 倘若诺基亚不想葬身火海,就别无选择,只能跳入“冰水”之下。
- But instead breathe deep and plunge into arabic .
- 但是我建议你深吸一口气,跳进阿拉伯语的世界吧。
- With no agreement on an alternative the palestinian authority might plunge into a crisis .
- 如果谈判未达成一致,巴勒斯坦权利机构将陷入一场危机之中。
- In terms of developed-country government bonds investors have the choice of yields below 2 % in america britain germany and japan or a plunge into the riskier markets of southern europe .
- 拿发达国家的政府债券来说,投资者要么选择接受美英德日等国低于2%的收益率,要么就只能选择一头扎进南欧国家的高风险市场了。
- If the united states were to plunge into another recession or if growth weakened significantly in china germany 's recovery would end very quickly .
- 如果美国陷入新一轮的经济衰退或者中国的增长大幅减速的话,德国经济的复苏很快就会结束。
- This is exactly what happens when you plunge into incarnation on earth .
- 这是确实发生的事情,就在你投入人世化身地球的时候。
- He made a headlong plunge into the river .
- 他一头栽进河里。
- Here are nine good reasons to take the plunge into miles and miles of tiles .
- 以下是9条让你进入麻将世界并沉迷于此的好理由。
- Plunge into the captivating world of magic !
- 投身神奇迷人的世界!
- We plunge into a discussion .
- 我们投入到一场争论中去。