pour out
基本解释倒出; 使流出;涌出;倾诉
1. 冲出
2. 喷溢
3. 泻
2. 喷溢
3. 泻
- Pour out your heart your fears your woes - share them with him .
- 倾诉你的内心、你的恐惧、你的伤心事将这些与他分享。
- Haines sat down to pour out the tea .
- 海恩斯坐下来倒茶。
- I highly suggest you sit down with your children and pour out serving portions so they can see the exact amounts suggested to keep their bodies in fit condition .
- 我强烈建议你跟你的孩子坐下来,把上菜的份量全部倾吐出来,这样他们就可以看到保持身体健康状况所推荐的具体的份量。
- Dont always pour out your difficulties or show your weakness in front of others .
- 不要老在别人面前,倾诉你的困境袒露你的脆弱。
- Shall I pour out the tea ?
- 我来倒茶好吗?
- I pour out my distress to my family to my friends to the mental health team .
- 我把我的悲痛倾诉给我的家人,我的朋友还有我的精神护理人员。
- Having said that research suggests that a well written and thoughtful goodbye love letter can drive your ex boy friend or your ex girl friend drive back to your arms ; whether it 's a goodbye letter to boyfriend or girlfriend just make sure you pour
- 有研究表明一份得体且体贴的分手信能让你的前男/女友重回你的怀抱;不论是写给你的男友还是女友,你必须保证在信中倾诉你的始至不渝。
- And afterward I will pour out my spirit on all people .
- 以后,我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的。
- So I said I would pour out my wrath on them and spend my anger against them in egypt .
- 我就说,我要将我的忿怒倾在他们身上,在埃及地向他们成就我怒中所定的。
- Since they 're ready to lend an ear you might as well pour out your troubles to them .
- 因为他们准备听你诉说,那你就把你所有的苦水都倒出来吧。