press for
基本解释催逼; 敦促; 迫切要求;缺少
- But mrs clinton continued to press for futenma to be relocated in okinawa .
- 但希拉里继续敦促日方落实普天间基地在冲绳岛内搬迁的承诺。
- Photo by jessica merz net neutrality has been in the press for a while now .
- 由杰西卡梅尔兹网络中立照片已在一段新闻了。
- Shareholders are likely to press for the bank to focus on its safer wealth-management businesses .
- 银行股东将有可能要求银行聚焦于更安全的财富管理业务。
- What is more he would press for the reforms europe needs .
- 更重要的是,他能推动欧盟亟需的改革。
- He 'll be crucified in the press for this .
- 他会受到媒体的严厉批评。
- Economists press for direct user fees .
- 经济学家则施压要求直接向使用者收费。
- They are forever calling in the consultants and surfing the business press for the next big thing .
- 他们永远不停地拜访商业顾问和在商业新闻界里沉浮,希望打听到下一个重大消息。
- But ak still came to power on a moderate platform promising to press for eu accession and to push through liberalising constitutional and economic reforms .
- 但正义与发展党是持温和的纲领走上执政舞台的,承诺努力争取加入欧盟,并推动保障自由的宪法修正与经济改革。
- Though many believe mr kibaki is to blame for rigging the presidential vote they have agreed not to press for immediate sanctions so as to give mr annan 's negotiations a chance to succeed .
- 尽管许多人士还始终相信齐贝吉总统是总统投票作假的罪魁祸首,但他们也答应不去催促采取立即的制裁,其目的是让安南先生的谈判能有机会成功。
- Meanwhile reporters without borders released doves from cages thursday to press for the liberation of chinese dissidents from jail .
- 与此同时,周四记者无国界组织放飞和平鸽向中国施压释放中国异议人士。