press on
1. 向前推进
2. 强加于
2. 强加于
- But not everyone is convinced that gaddafi will press on to benghazi .
- 但是,并非所有人都相信,卡扎菲将在班加西新闻。
- Nakagawa who is known to enjoy a drink denied he was drunk when he addressed the japanese press on saturday .
- 众所周知中川喜欢喝酒,但他否认周六向日本媒体发表讲话时醉酒。
- After our rest it was time to press on .
- 休息之后就是该加紧努力的时候了。
- If the bleeding stops when you press on it for a few minutes then you probably do not need a doctor .
- 如果按压几分钟后即可止血,可能就不需要就医。
- We press on again and I watch carefully as the so-called upper class residences fade off into the slumps of london .
- 我们按了,我仔细观看了所谓的“上流社会”住宅淡出到伦敦的衰退了。
- As the economist went to press on april 7th the mpc was expected to keep its benchmark rate at 0.5 % - but a quarter-point increase seems likely as soon as next month .
- 就像经济学人将要在4月7日刊出的人们预期mpc会将基准利率控制在0.5%但似乎下个月就要上调四分之一个百分点。
- If he could have done one thing to avert his plunge from front-runner for the republican presidential nomination to also-ran newt gingrich told the press on the eve of the iowa caucuses in january he would have pulled the pl
- 纽特金里奇在一月份的爱荷华州集会前夜告诉记者,如果他能做,哪怕是一件事,来避免自己在共和党总统党选举中遭受来自领先者和落选者的陷害,他一定会“想方设法的阻止罗姆尼的政治行动委员会”。
- But they must press on .
- 但是他们必须坚持下去。
- My gums bleed when I press on them .
- 当我压牙床的时候,它会流血。
- 19 Associated press on condition of anonymity to an egyptian security officials as news sources reported that four egyptians suspected of spying for israel was arrested .
- 美联社19日以一名不愿公开姓名埃及安全部门官员为消息源报道,4名埃及人因涉嫌为以色列从事间谍活动遭逮捕。